Saturday, June 13, 2009

so this IS holiday

heeeeey today I went to school for saman practice, well I was practically late hehe
after practice me and Ina went to mutia's house
there we gossiping, foolin around, and did many things hahahaha
and then we go to sushi-ya, and went back to mutia's house, and foolin around some more haha
well we did nothing special, but this really feels like HOLIDAY

1 comment:

Arum said...

ret,kayaknya fire yang itu artinya bnrn pecat deh (masa gue baru nyadar, kirain dibakar bnrn. abisan abisan abisan kalau liat mukanya kaya mau dibakar. huhuhu jangan ketawakan saya ya.. maklum anak lemot.hehehe)