Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ypm hari ini

gue mau banget cerita kejadian kocak yang gue alamin baru aja tadi
jadi kan tadi gue ypm, biasa lah tadi ujian dan gue gak belajar(ceritanya udah pinter teori)
terus ada ujian paduan suara ypm juga kaaan, dimana itu kelasnya isinya anak2 sd yang bernyanyi2 dengan semangatnya seakan2 paduan suara ypm adalah pelajaran matematika atau fisika
yaudah kan ujian teori gapenting blablabla

terus paduan suara nih
ujiannya nyanyi satu satu ke depan kelas kan
trs ada seorang anak cewek nyanyi, suaranya emang agak kecil sih, dan juga ada seorang anak cowok kecil bernama rafif, gue tebak umurnya sekitar 9/10 tahun
kurang lebih kejadiannya seperti ini

CK(cewek kecil) : nun ja uh di ujung jalan taman idaman terbentang luas (lagunya emang kayak begitu gue gak ngarang)
PJ (pak jamalus) : kedengeran gaaaaaak? (berteriak)
R(rafif) : kurang kedengeraaaaan (biasa lah anak kecil sok nyolot)
PJ : itu berarti kamuuu yang budeeeeeeeek (tereak)
R : (terdiam malu..........)

terus ada lagi anak kecil rada cina2 gitu dan badannya kecil gitu
dia ngomong ke pak jamalus lagu apa yang mau dia nyanyiin, terus sama pak jamalus ditereakin "APAAAAAAAA?"(bukannya marah tapi gak kedengeran, tapi tereakannya menggelegar parah) kesiaaaaan anak kecil cina ituuuuuu hahahahahaha badannya kecil ditereakin sama pak jamalus yang suaranya menggelegar

trs satu lagi kejadiannya
kan yang duduk di belakang gue fabi dan ijan adalah cowok2 anak kecil
trs mereka kayak ngomongin bisik2 gitu kan
trs ada yang bilang 'kamu aja nanya kamu aja yang nanya' sambil nunjuk2 ke ijan
trs gue menengok dan berkata 'mau nanya apa ke ijan, sini gue tanyain'
daaaaaaaan lo tau apa yang ditanya oleh anak yang kira2 berumur 10 tahun itu
'dia udah me*s belom'

yah jadi sekian cerita gue hari ini di ypm hahaha bego parah kocak si rafif dan sekelompok teman2nya yang kecil2 nan imut kayak gue itu hahahahahahaha

Sunday, July 26, 2009

you'd want to know this

There was a study done where a control group of 100 people were divided into two.

50 people watched very funny, tears-of laughter type movie.
50 watched a very sad and tears of compassion type movie.
At the end of the sessions researchers collected the "happy tears" and the "sad tears" with eye droppers.

They found that "happy tears" are made up of brine, salt water and not a great deal else.
However the "sad tears" were found to contain the very same chemicals and enzymes that are found in tumors, ulcers and other such lumps and bumps and sicknesses through out the body.

This test concluded that the body, when crying in sadness etc is literally flushing out all of the toxic-chemicals that accumulate and are a part of the sadness/heartache experience.

Therefore if one holds back those tears, those toxic-waters will find somewhere else to deposit themselves and prolonged lack-of-crying-release will guarantee that the body will accumulate a huge amount of internal pollution and toxicity that should have been released through the tears.
Is it any wonder that the eyes sting so much when we hold back our tears?

No wonder men die earlier than women.
Cry your heart out when you are sad, lonely, alone, depressed,
and any other not-so-good emotion.
It's good for your health, apparently.

Friday, July 24, 2009

blissful is the theme of the day

hari ini gue bahagia
kalian tau lah bedanya senang dan bahagia
bahagia itu lebih kepada breath-taking
and I felt that today

even though yesterday was a misty-eyed day for me, today I've just realize
I have all of em on my side
all my best friends from my junior high, my besties from X-B, my new best buds from XI IPA H, and even my crush that sat beside me today at the field and I saw my other crush so many times today (oops haha:)))
they're all awesome people

and I don't really care about the-one-I've-talked-on-the-previous-post, I still got all my best friends (and crushes) huahahahaha
can't stop smiling today :DDD
plus today we get to skip classes after the second break because of pocari sweat (commercial ad hahaha)
and thanks to pocari sweat, I can feel all those blissful and so much happiness :DDD
especially thank you for Allah that made me realize that even though I lost one-of-my-friend, I still got many of em that'll still love me no matter what
thank you for cheering me up from the desolation yesterday :DDDDDD
still can't stop smiling
is today the perfect day for me or what? :))))))))

Thursday, July 23, 2009


sebenarnya sekarang saya sedang kesal sama salah satu teman saya, atau lebih tepatnya mantan-teman-saya mungkin akan lebih enak kalau saya sebut dengan you-know-who saja, fyi dia perempuan
dulunya you-know-who ini hubungannya baik baik saja dengan saya, kami berteman biasa, lalu setelah menginjak bangku kelas xi ini, dia menjadi sombong
saya sebenarnya tidak punya masalah dengan itu
suka suka dia mau sombong atau baik sama saya
tapi sesombong2nya, orang seharusnya punya respect terhadap orang lain bukan? setidaknya terhadap manusia lain bukan?

seperti yang anda ketahui saya itu manusia

hari ini saya menyapa dia, dia diam dengan tatapan "apaan sih lo"
saya masih biasa saja, saya tidak perduli
lalu ada suatu hal yang ingin saya tanyakan, saya bertanyalah pada dia karena saya tau kalau dia tau apa jawabnya
ketika saya bertanya, dia diam
saya tarik2 bajunya (biasalah saya masih anak kecil tingkahnya)
lalu dia tidak menoleh dan bahkan ia seperti marah dengan nada "ssssss" dan kembali menatap saya dengan tatapan "apaan sih lo, siapa lo" seakan2 saya itu tidak ada di sampingnya dan sekalipun saya ada saya adalah sampah di mata dia

wajar, dia merasa dia sangat terkenal
padahal (maaf) dia sebenarnya bukan siapa siapa
dia adalah tipe orang yang habis-manis-sepah-dibuang-makan-teman-yang-lemah-sampai-dapat-yang-lebih-terkenal

saya benci makhluk seperti itu

saya masih manusia, manusia punya hak untuk dihargai oleh makhluk lainnya
saya tidak mengerti apakah dia manusia atau bukan

sekarang saya benci dia dan saya tidak tau apa saya bisa memaafkan dia atau tidak (kemungkinan terbesar dia tidak akan meminta maaf karena dia sudah terlalu sibuk dengan pikirannya yang merasa dia sangat terkenal)

P.S maaf atas postingan penuh kebencian ini, saya sangat benci dengan orang seperti itu

Sunday, July 19, 2009

songs updates

so you might as well realize that I added some new songs, you might as well love it hehe :))
it's a very tranquilizing songs(you can feel the calming effects), very-well-be-heard rythm and I really love the lyrics esp the song "happy"
and here's the list of the songs that I added :

1. Happy By Natasha Bedingfield
2. Pretty Please Feat. Cee-lo By Estelle
3. This Will Be By Natalie Cole
4. Colbie Caillat- Somethin Special

some of you would realize that all of it is the soundtrack of the movie Bride Wars
well just so you know that's my kinda music, I just love the background music of some movies, perhaps in the opening, or at the end of the movie or anywhere during the movie
it just has the soothing effect on me(of course the nice one not the panicking kind of sound haha)
guess that's all for now


Saturday, July 18, 2009

hahahahah gapenting

no idea

I know I know I have to post once in a while but
I had no idea what to type ye know
it's like I'm losing all o' my ideas, well perhaps of the new class
I don't know what to type about 'em
it's not that bad, but it's just doesn't seem so familiar, ye know the pre-class-union thing?
the first 1-3 months you'll say that you hate your class and you just wanna recur to your old class blah blah blah
but after all those things your class have been trough, you'll just say that you love your class and it's very fun and blah blah blah
why life just sounded like that like all the time?
whaddya think?


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


it's been like decades since I updated my last post hahahahaa
well I was too lazy to upload the photos of my trip, so yeah maybe later
I'm quite busy now ye know with school-has-started thing
and now I'm being placed at XI IPA H
well the school prescribe the classes randomly, and unluckily I got the 3rd floored one
well I hope it's not that bad, well not to offend somewhat but I don't really like the classes at the 3rd floor,
well to be forthright, I hate it
really really hate it
well yeah wish me luck for whatever in being an 11th grader -_______________-


Saturday, July 04, 2009


yow bloggers I'm back here now, but well I gotta go to mutia's house
me mutia ina sarah ayu 're goin to............ well we don't know yet, I suppose I should've get goin now but yet I'm waiting for my dad to grab a shower blah blah
it's been a while(well not a while, talk about almost a year) since we gathered together(by together I mean 5 of us)
so it's officially a girls day out! yippieeee :)))

P.S I'll tell you about my vacation to jogja later k?