Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Happy birthday my ex-chairmate woohoooowww
who's she anyway? might as well see for yourself
(clue : it's her on the left side)
now isn't she adorable?
full name : Hasya Amana Riyanto Sofyan Sutan Ponda.....(I can't remember the last one hahaha)
nick name : elastic face, well just go by Hasya these days
birth : 30 September 1993
super-power : memorizing words, lots and lots of words
achievements : 4 times national elastic-face competition winner, 5 times national shrill-voiced championship winner
She was my friend at elementary, and we got seperated by 5 years, and we met again at 8 Senior High. And unluckily she had to face 6 months of burden in being my chairmate. She had to face my tendency rambling for 6 months, can you imagine?
well I got nothin more to say, just
sincerely, Ratih
Sunday, September 27, 2009
cutest teeth ever
god aren't they the cutest?
grab the adventures of ickle and Lardee here
I don't know who he/she is(the writer), I got the link from my junior high friend, and when I opened it, I was like aww this is the best and cutest pictures ever---~~ I guarantee you will receive a breath taking kids-story-kind when you open the link
try it!
ugh I really got nothing to write about. don't worry soon or later I'll delete this garbage post.
Monday, September 14, 2009
bukpus dimanamana
bukpus 1 : XI IPA H
yang ini seru abis anak XI IPA H gaul gaul fotonya ada 130an lebih wuihihihi sabi kan tuh XI IPA H emang KOMPAK (Y)
cowok2 XI IPA H tiba2 jadi artis dadakan, semua minta foto ya sama cici lah sama hanifi sama pras wah rame deh pokoknya, terus makannya pake sop buah ENAK BUNGUT, risolnya cahyo MANTAP GAN, ayam lemes (oke ini sebenernya ayam keremes tapi gara2 keremesnya udah lembek gitu jadi gue namai ini ayam lemes) trs ada macem2 lagi ada puding buah gitu, ada kue apaa gitu, trs minumnya ada aqua dan teh kotak. terus kita yang dateng banyaaaak banget.
ini dia foto2nya
the hungry omnivores hahaha
(entah kenapa di foto ini gue merasa muka gue mirip esther ASTAGHFIRULLOOOOH JANGAN SAMPEEEE)
yak ini adalah saat dimana cowok2 jadi badut ancol dadakan, semua cewek2 minta foto2 sama doi ahahahaha
with my dear chairmate khaula (aww) :D
THIS IS US!! yippieeee
bukpus selanjutnya (bukpus 2) adalah BUKPUS TATRAAAAAA yihiiiiyyy
bukpus tatra diselenggarakan di rumah afifah yang berlokasi di daerah cipinang. gue berangkat sama ayu dan putri dijemput mobil putri di rumah mutia trs pulang naik mobil fafa dianter sampai rumah. (gamodal? yak betul) hahahaha
dress code : white polite
bukpusnya seruuuu bangeeeeettt, tatra 2012 niat2 bangeeeet selamat yaaa tatra 2012 sayaaaang :D
mereka bikin pin tatra gitu lucu deeeh, trs bikin SPANDUK!!!! trs kameranya betebaran dimana2 fotonya ada banyak hahaha trs kita main tebak siapa aku seru deeeeh. ini foto yg bareng2nya aja yaaaaa
ini dia SPANDUKNYA niat banget kaaaan awww tatra 2012 maaci yaaaaa :)
hiyah yang ini pada belom siap hahaha
lihat di sebelah riri ada anak kecil, itu adeknya afifah yang bernama ama. dia didoktrin oleh riri buat bikin geng namanya "aloha girls" HAHAHA
yang ini lagi main tebak siapa aku! asik deh hahaha
ini dia tatra SMAN 8 :D love you all
jadi hari ini gue sore2 ke sekolah ngumpul sama teman2 xb, terus lanjut ke futcy
di futcy nontonin cowok2 main bola, buka puasa, solat aaaaand arum dan hasya tiba2 dateng membawakan gue kue coklat bertuliskan "HAPPY 15 BOLIS DAY" awwwwww love you all :)))
yah buat yang bertanya bolis itu apa tanya aja sama anak rohis oke? hahaha
it's me! the birthday girl huihihihi :D
yak bisa dilihat ini kuenya, betapa adorablenya arum dan hasya dengan menuliskan "Happy 15 BOLIS day" huihihihi but I love it :D
this is me making wish
okay confession time, gue gabisa memotong kue.................hahahahahaha jadi gue motong cuma formalitas doang, sisanya potong sendiri2 hahahahahah
sebenernya gue gak tega makan tulisan happy BOLIS day nya, tapi daripada meleleh yaaaa apa boleh buat hahahaha
nah mulai yang ini foto2nya di hokben
(sebenernya ada foto gue sama anak2 kecil yg gue paksa2 buat foto sama gue tp blm di upload, ntar gue tambahin ya hahahaha)
ini dia x-b!!!
thank you for all of you who has congratulate me, aww you're all such a sweet people, love you mon frere :D I'm so very happy at this moment
and what'll make me happier is the fact that I'm going to spend my birthday with my X-B partner! yieeeeyyyy
and guess what
Alwina Putri Utami even made a post about me! gee she's such a sweetheart(seneng lo win?) huihihihi
click here to see it!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Well I hope this year will be better than last year :)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
one disordered post for a "friend"
At first I used to look up to you. You're very mature and NOT trying to be one of those "you-know-what". And when we entered the eleventh grade things just doesn't seem right. Especially when I'm perceiving you....
you changed
you never spin a yarn on me anymore.
If there's something wrong with you, everyone knows
everyone, except me.
And you know what's even "better"?
I know all the story about you from someone who is not you.
face it girl, we were best friend.
You all know the simplest-most-important-cliche thing for a best share everything together.
Best friends should share happiness, burden, sorrow, trouble, sunshine, and many more...................together
And now I'm hearing all your trouble and happiness from someone else.
You don't want to share it with me anymore.
what's up girl? cat got your tongue and you can't talk about it with me?
I understand you want to be one of those "you-know-what", I mean who doesn't.
But kill everything do you have to be this nasty and obnoxious?
I never thought I'd said all this stuffs to you, well as for the record you'll never read this one
cause actually you won't care.
I want things to be the way it used to. I want you to be my friend, again. But you chose not to. And I can do nothing about it. So guess it's official, we're not
Sorry for this emotional and melancholy post. I'm so dejected.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
this is what made my day yesterday
yep just like what you see. Yesterday my brother came home from USA, and I gotta admit I was not so pleasant in welcoming him. I kept frowning and grumbling all the time. At first, yesterday was
I named this iPod(temporarily) : nano-ranger, well actually I'm looking for something unique-er, any suggestions?
Friday, September 04, 2009
25 facts you might wanna (or already) know about me
1. The name is Ratih Kemala Pertiwi Siahaan, and you can call me Ratih, please don't call me with kemala or tiwi or something else weird
2. My friends gave me so many nicknames such as : rarolly, bolis, WALNUT, bugsy, donut, polar bear etc. (you can ask me for the meaning of each nicknames haha)
3. I do love internet, a lot. Internet can always made my day.
4. I enjoy windows live messenger as a blather device better than yahoo messenger.
5. I tweet a lot these days.
6. I...can't....draw......... yep everytime in art class I was like giddy and footworn, and I felt like crying all the time haha
7. I prefer counting numbers much much better than memorizing words. In fact I hate memorizing words.
8. My older brother is such a pain in the ass not anymore, he's actually nice (sometimes) haha.
9. I do saman dancing at school.
10. Perhaps this is nuts but I do enjoy interfering with others works, if they ask me favor, I'll do it wholeheartedly until that favor is fulfilled hehe :D
11. I hate assignments cause it's not important and has nothing to do with knowledge.
12. Chemistry always had the biggest space on my mind when it comes to the test, luckily I passed the first formative test this month.
13. Fitri 'jenaka' helped me a lot with my physics and now I think that physics is not that hard, actually I love physics nowadays hihi :D
14. Still haven't figured out which major that I want for college.
15. I'm deadly afraid of bloods :o
16. My favorite dish is sushi. Perhaps I'm a lil bit addicted to it.
17. I only wear my glasses at class or at a movie.
18. I never enjoy watching scary movies such as ORPHAN, or something else that involves blood or ghosts.
19. I'm one year younger for my grade. Figured out that I'm gonna be 17 when I've entered college.
20. I don't like being alone.
21. I play the piano but I got no time to practice now so.........I'm dumb at it haha
22. I interpolate my verbs by reading people's blog.
23. My parents still monitor how and when I study and also all of my scores at school.
24. My parents usually eavesdrop me at phonecalls, and to be true I hate it, that's why maybe when some of you called me, I speak so soft and concise.
25. I often stay up late like today xoxoxo.
well well that's all I guess. My brother's coming home tomorrow, more staying up late going online cause he's plundering me everytime I use the internet, damn.
any comment about the 25 facts you might wanna (or already) know about me?
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
First Earthquake
tiap orang pasti punya ceritanya masing masing, cerita gue?
jadi seumur-umur gue belum pernah merasakan yang namanya gempa hingga tadi sore
gue ypm untuk teori seperti biasa, terus disuruh ngerjain soal lalalala not important, gue catet soalnya dulu kan terus tiba2 gue merasa 'kok geter ya?' tapi ya gue kira itu karena banyak anak-anak kecil di ypm yang pecicilan dan tidak bisa diam semua jadi ya gue diem aja
terus ijan ngomong ke gue 'gempa ya?'
terus tiba2 kakak2nya yang di depan dan anak2 kecil itu ngomong 'gempa ya?'
terus gue dengan santainya ngomong 'iya gempa' dan melanjutkan nyatet soal bagaikan gaada yang terjadi hahaha
padahal itu geternya udah kenceng, udah berasa satu ypm itu berjalan makanya jadi geter2 gitu, pada pusing, ijan panik 'GUE BELOM TOBAAAT'
dan gue baru sadar kalo geternya emang kenceng haha, terus gue juga jadi ikutan bilang gue belom tobat, tapi gue ketawa (?) akhirnya kakak yang didepan menyuruh kita keluar ruangan
keluarlah kita lalalala ngobrol-ngobrol heboh panjang lebar, abis gempa berenti kirain kita boleh pulang, eh taunya tetep disuruh les, yaampun kak gamau rugi amat hahaha -__________-
sepulang ypm gue masuk mobil, pas di jalan tiba-tiba hp gue bergetar dan layarnya bertuliskan
gue kira mau ngomongin gempa atau apa gitu yang berhubungan dengan gempa
S(syarif) : Assalamualaikum
R(gue) : Waalaikumsalam
S : teh lagi sibuk gak?
R : lagi di jalan, kenapa rip?
S : lo tau gak siapa ketua schoolympic taun blablabla(gue lupa hahah)
R : gatau hahaha
S : oooh gitu....hmmm.........ya makasih ya
R : iya
R : (sit there feel bewildered)
GAK NYAMBUUUUUUNG RIIIIIP HAHAHAHAHA, dimana mana lagi hot gempa dia ngomongin apa huakakakakakak
yeah well that's my story, how bout you?